Saturday, April 4, 2015

My Longest Run Ever!

I've been busy dealing with my new laptop and catching up with classes.  Tuesday evening I did not do any activity so that I could install software on my new laptop.

Wednesday morning I did P90X Agility X, preceded by Cold Start.  I did better on it this time, because I remembered the moves at least a little bit.  I burned about 170 calories.

Wednesday after work I did the next run on my training schedule, which was a 40-min run.  I decided to run on the Sligo Creek Trail.  I ended up cutting the run a bit short, only doing 38:38, because I had run fast enough that that took me 4.03 mi!  I had an average speed of 6.25 mph, which was much faster than I expected.

Thursday morning, I did P90X3 The Challenge, preceded by Cold Start.  I increased my push-up number to 20, and did that for every move.  I increased by pull-up number to 4, and got that for every move except the last one.  I did get a bit sore from this one, so I think my numbers are pretty close to what I should be doing.  The next time I will increase to 22 and 5 or 4.  I burned about 95 calories.

Thursday after work, I did an extra run.  I thought I'd challenge myself with some hills, and so I just ran around the neighborhood around my house - the weather was beautiful.  Well, I did get a hilly challenge.  It's amazing how much slower I was on this run.  I did 2.7 mi in 29:37, which was an average speed of 5.5 mph.

Friday morning, I did my shortened version of P90X2 Recovery + Mobility.  I really needed some foam rolling, so it was good.  I burned about 70 calories.

Friday night, I had a combo match with my team.  This was the first match of our round-robin play-offs, and unfortunately we lost all the courts.  My partner, Susie, and I lost 6-2, 6-4.  We really struggled in the first set, with our opponents hitting a lot of good shots.  In the second set, we started playing better, especially Susie, but still couldn't win it.

This morning I had a practice with my tennis team.  It was pretty sunny and seasonably cool, but it was SO windy that playing was a challenge.  I did pretty well in each of my rounds, with three different partners.  It was nice to get outside to play again.

This afternoon I did my next run on my training schedule - 14 miles!  This was my longest run ever.  It took me 1:24:55 to run the 14 miles at a speed of 5.8 mph on the treadmill.  The run didn't feel incredibly hard, but now I'm definitely quite worn out.  I watched the movie Catching Fire while doing the run, which was a good distraction. 

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