Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Three Days and Two Matches

Monday evening, I played a 6.5 combo match.  Unfortunately my partner and I lost.  We played against two pretty even-level and consistent players.  I could not protect my partner well enough against them.  We lost 6-1, 6-2, if I remember correctly.

Tuesday morning, I did the first workout I have put together from Nia Shanks' website.  The exercises were:
  • 3 x 8 - 10 squats (I used 30 lb dumbbells)
    • 3 x 8 - 10 bench press ( I used 30 lb dumbbells)
    • 3 x 8 - 10 one-arm rows with opposite leg extended (I used a 25 lb dumbbell)
  • 3 x 10 - 15 back extensions
    • 3 x 15 wrist curls (I used 5 lb dumbbells)
    • 3 x 15 reverse wrist curls (I used 5 lb dumbbells)
  • 3 x 60s plank

Tuesday night, I played a tri-level match.  My partner and I ended up playing really well together, and we won 6-4, 6-4 against a strong pair.  It was a lot of fun, and the win felt good!

This morning, I did an agility and plyo routine.  I have 8 agility sequences that I do for 30 sec each, with a 30-sec break in between.  Then I do some plyo.  I got some calf plyo moves from a recent Runner's World magazine.

This evening, I did the first run following Billy's training plan to get me a PR on my next half-marathon.  It called for 3 miles at "easy A" pace, which was 12:06 min/mi.  I did this on the treadmill at 5.0 mph.  Boring, but I did it with absolutely no breaks.  It started out feeling a little hard, but then it was OK.  It shouldn't be hard at that pace, but for some reason I think it's harder to run on the treadmill.

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