Yesterday morning, I did another outside run in Monterey. This was a short one, since we had to start our drive to the airport, and I was tired from my really big run the day before. I ran for 29:15, and the distance was 2.7 mi. This gives an average speed of 5.53 mph, which I'm quite suspicious of. With the hills and my tired legs, I felt like I was moving so slowly. I suspect that the GPS skipped a bit, although I don't see anything obvious in the tracking map.
We flew home yesterday. This morning, I started the Beachbody The Master's Hammer & Chisel program. I am adapting the schedule, since I have other things I'm doing as well, so the 60-day program is going to take more like 75 days. This morning was Chisel Balance, which turned out to be more challenging than I expected. Two of the balance moves were really tough. The first move, which was a 1-legged squat to sit on the bench was very hard, especially on my left leg. The last move, a 1-legged row and pistol squat, was also hard. Well, I guess that means there's room for improvement! I burned about 160 calories in 40 min, which was a surprise.
Today after work, I did an easy run on the treadmill. I ran at 5.6 mph for 50 min, giving a distance of 4.66 mi. This did feel like an easy run, which I was happy about. My legs were still a little twingy from my very long run on Sunday.
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