Thursday, January 28, 2016

Extra Boxing

Yesterday evening, I went to a boxing class.  I wanted to do something different than all the running I've been doing lately.  I went to a class by the same instructor as I did last Friday, and the two cl plasses were pretty much identical.  That reminded me of why I don't usually go to that instructor's classes very often.  The combinations and exercises he does are pretty good, but it's boring to do exactly the same thing each time.  I did feel like I had more energy than usual.

This morning I did the next workout in The Master's Hammer and Chisel program, and was Max Hammer Strength.  This was an interesting workout.  First, you did 60-sec of bodyweight moves to pre-fatigue a specific muscle, and then you did 8 reps of a similar move with as heavy weights as possible.  It was kind of nice using the heavy weights, although I really needed heavier weights for some moves.  I have individual dumbbells up to 25 lbs.  Above that, I have old-fashioned adjustable plate dumbbells, which are annoying to use, and their shape is often inconvenient for a move.  I think I may get some 30-lb dumbbells.  In this workout, I burned about 90 calories.

This afternoon after work, I did an easy run on the treadmill.  I ran at 5.7 mph for 1 hour, so the distance came to 5.7 mi.  This was a boring run for some reason.

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