Yesterday after work, I did the next run on my training schedule, which was a 90-min easy run. I did this on the treadmill. I ran at 5.7 mph, so the distance came to 8.47 mi. My hamstring and calf were bothering me, so this run did not go very well. I took a lot of breaks on the rails.
This morning, I changed things up for my workout. I've been getting burned out on The Master's Hammer and Chisel, so even though I'd planned to continue with it for this week and next week, I stopped today. Today I did P90X3 Total Synergistics. I burned about 100 calories. I'm going to do a few weeks of mostly body-weight work before my goal race on May 21. Hopefully this will help my legs get more rested, since I'm not stressing them with the heavy weights.
Today after work, I had wanted to go to cardio tennis at TCCP, but again it wasn't held because not enough people had signed up. So I came home to do a run. I wanted to run outside, but it looked like it might rain, so I ran on the treadmill. It didn't rain, of course. I ran for 1 hour at 5.7 mph, so the distance came to 5.65 mi. This run felt better than yesterday's.
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