Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Tennis Practice

Last night I had a practice with my tennis team.  I played pretty well, but I think it was mostly because it was relative to who else was playing...still, it was a beautiful night, and fun to play.

This morning I did the second workout of Stage 1 of NROLW.  This is the last day for 2 sets and 12 reps per set.  I'm a little nervous to move up to 3 sets with 10 reps.  I'm not sure whether I'll be able to go up in weight or not.  I guess I'll find out!  Today I burned about 95 cal in the workout.

My weight is still up today.  I'm starting to wonder if my lower weights, from when I was visiting my mom, were because her scale is offset from mine.  Today I took my scale and put 50 lb of weights on it to make sure it measured 50 lb - it did.  My mom's scale is a balance-bar type scale, like you often see in doctor's offices, so I don't have any reason to think that it is incorrect.  Here's a list of my weights and location where I measured them:
  • Saturday, home, 124.8 lb
  • Sunday, home, 124.2 lb
  • Monday, home, 126.4 lb
  • Tuesday, my mom's, 124.8 lb
  • Wednesday, my mom's, 124.4 lb
  • Thursday, my mom's, 124 lb
  • Friday, my mom's, 122.9 lb
  • Saturday, home, 126.8 lb
  • Sunday, home, 127 lb
  • Monday, home, 126.6 lb
  • Tuesday, home, 126.6 lb
  • Wednesday, home, 126.4 lb
The measurements taken at my mom's house don't seem unbelievable in context of my other measurements.  The Friday morning measurement was a little low, but it was the day after my long run, and I was probably a bit dehydrated.  On the other hand, if you take out the measurements from my mom's house, then it looks like I jumped up to above 126 lb for the entire week.  There would be no reason for this...when I was at her house, I carefully measured and logged what I ate.  This is incredibly frustrating.  I don't look puffed up any more, so I feel like I should've release the water weight.  I keep expecting in the morning to have the weight drop a couple pounds, but no luck so far.  And there's no way I've put on a couple pounds of muscle all of a sudden, NROLW or not.  It's even more frustrating because I'm going on vacation at the end of the week, and I know I'll gain weight then.  I'm going to come back and be over 130 lb!  I can't believe it!

When I started NROLW, I decided to follow the suggested nutrition amounts.  I started July 14, so it's been a little over two weeks.  My weights on the days around that were 124.2 lb, 125 lb, 124.8 lb.  I can't believe I've actually put on 2 lb of anything in 2 weeks. 

I'm going to stick with the nutrition for the next couple of days before I leave.  I'm going to do a waist measurement Friday morning before I go and hope things have improved.

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