Thursday, March 27, 2014

Doubles Loss

Last night, I had played doubles with Fran on our 6.5 combo team.  We were on #2 doubles, and lost 6-3, 6-3.  It was a frustrating match.  Both of us felt like our opponents were keeping the pace too slow, making us not play as well, but nothing we tried seemed to change things much.  We also had a lot of unforced errors, which really hurt us.  It's one of the few matches that I didn't really enjoy, because I felt like we weren't playing at our potential.  Dang.

This morning when I woke up before sunrise, there was a pretty view out my kitchen window:  a thin waning crescent Moon along with Venus.  It looked rather ghostly through the bare tree branches.

This morning I did Insanity the Asylum Vol. 2 XTrainer and Ab Shredder.  XTrainer has to be one of the most overall effective workouts I've ever done.  It intersperses a lot of agility moves with functional strength moves, like push-ups.  It really blasts the calories, too.  Between both workouts, I burned about 350 calories. 

I always regret that XTrainer is 50 minutes long, and thus about 8 minutes too long for me to do on MWF.  I could reduce it by 8 minutes by removing the "moving matrix push-ups" and the pyramid weight sequence, but that seems like it would almost eviscerate the workout.  Ah, well.  I'm just stuck doing it TTH.

I also did foam rolling afterward, which my right IT band really needed. 

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